Contact Us

Contact Us

We would be glad to answer your questions or send you more information about RTI Surgical. Please contact the appropriate location or fill out the form below so that we may provide information tailored to your needs.


Alachua, FL

11621 Research Circle
Alachua, FL 32615
Toll Free: +1.866.990.9563
Fax: +1.386.418.0342

Neunkirchen, Germany

Industriestrasse 6, 91077
Neunkirchen am Brand, Germany
+49 9134 9988-0
Fax: +49 9134 9988-99

West Lafayette, IN

1425 Innovation Place
West Lafayette, IN 47906

Eden Prairie, MN

6455 City West Pkwy. Suite 100
Eden Prairie, MN 55344


3 Robroyston Oval,
Nova Business Park,
Glasgow, G33 1AP
Scotland, UK
+44 (0)141 648 9100

Asia Pacific

10 Hair St.,
Marton, New Zealand 4710
+64 6 327 8751



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